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Summer 2025

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Who is going to pay for the return shipping fees ?

If you want to retract :

You can select the carrier of your choice to make the return as it will be at your own charge.

For a wrong order preparation :

If a return is asked by the wholesaler, the item(s) will be sent back at his own charge. 
He can thus offer you:

- either a paid return label


- or a refund of what you have paid (ticket, invoice and IBAN required) for the return

Please note that for a return to be accepted the conditions below are mandatory :


  • a written  agreement either from the wholesaler or from PARIS FASHION SHOPS is required


  • the items have to be sent back to the appropriate address


  • within a reasonable time


If these conditions are not fulfilled, your request will not be processed favorably.


The items will then be stored at our warehouse for a calendar month period.

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